Sunday, February 17, 2008

Friday and Saturday

Hello you all...if any of you are reading this...which I highly doubt you are...

Hello again from Arizona...where its hot all day and you freeze your rasterfarian nanas off at night!

When the temp goes from 80 to say...60 or low 50s that spread puts the shock into the body.

Anyhow...friday was uneventful...after class we caught the movie Jumpers. It was a good movie...but there will definatly be a sequel. Had a bite to eat at Chili's and then played Madden 08 the rest of the night...really boring typical weekend for me.

Well Saturday...we didn't do much either...just bummed around...bought 2 more Wii Remotes and its game time for 4. We also...went out to Hooters...where our waitress showed us toothpick tricks. It was entertaining. Then I being a nice guy took the other 4 dudes to the Fox and the Hound...a Steakhouse/Lounge/Bar place. Where we played pool and darts till like 1 am! Then to tap it all off we freakn talked until 4am...I think some of the guys are still in their rooms, sleeping off the alcohol and the long night. Me well you know me being the non drinking guy..well just slept a little late so that I could study the rest of the day. I had intended to attend church today...didn't happen as I've been in the books. I will go next week though.

Anyhow...back to the books. Its been a 15 min break while I've been typing this, and catching up on the news.
See ya!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hola brother, I read your blog :) Just wanted to let you know so you'll keep posting!