Friday, October 17, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Night!!!

Alright tonight was loads of fun! It was the 1st annual Burgan Pumpkin Carving Night.

Well we went to town...and have 4 beautiful Jack-o-Lanterns to show off...and here they are below.

You will only see 3 of the 4 cuz the 4th was a smelly one and had to get taken outside! we were getting sick from the smell.

Oh and the last picture is our front walk/entrance to our house...ya its not finished yet...its gonna get better! We love halloween! More to come...we have a few days left!


Family day at the corn maze! We were lost for EVERRRR! We wandered till the kids were onry and hungry. And then we stumbled upon a checkpoint in the maze and I used my ledgendary map reading skills and got us to another checkpoint...and then out of the maze. Below are a few of the highlights of the maze and the day of fun.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow!

Alright here it is proof that the snow has already arrived and we are still in FALL! But non the less us Burgans were out and about enjoying the early winter weather.