Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bare house blues

Okay well many of you have moved before, perhaps many a times, and you know as the progress of packing moves on your motivation goes down.

Thus it is with the Burgan family. All the pictures down, the christmas decor, the kids toys start diminishing, cardboard boxes start piling up. Blah.

Well anyhow...I suppose the first glimpse of the Rocky mountains...or the wasatch front will bring smiles and happiness...perhaps some anxiety to what is going to lie ahead for me. I know that the end of may will bring about more army training...for 3 months...but what of the 5 months after I get home...I'm a little scared for me and the family...nervous, and apprehensive of the new situation, going into Boise with nothing but our possessions. Anyhow...we'll do fine, we always have. The Lord will bless this family and help us motor through to normality. But in the National Guard as an aviator...currently I don't see any normality in life...just school...more school, and did I mention more school. This is the profession I chose, so i shouldn't murmur...considering I'm going to be the rare army guy that has the option to be rated in multiple aircraft. Well we Burgans will see you on the flip side.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another Week Gone By

Hey you all...another week has blasted pass, and I've survived my past few days of OBC and the tests that have been thrown at me. The kids have had fevers, and some junk that has made them pretty miserable, however as you will see in the pictures that follow, they manage to have fun even when they are sick. No the shaving cream was not a situation that caused mom to be onry...she instigated the painting with the shaving cream. And lil' A and her friend went to town in obliging her for the photos. Oh to be so young and easily entertained again!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Hola everyone,

Had a short but sweet camp-out last night, Dallas and I went out to Blue Springs State Park for the Elders Quorum camp-out. You think of church activities as usually having a great turnout...especially for this weekend, Veterans Day, its a 4 day weekend for most of us. Well...that didn't happen, there were 3 families. Myself, and 2 others...needless to say we had plenty of S'mores! It was a great time, and you can't beat the weather here in lower Alabama. Here it is 10th of November and last night I don't think it got any colder than about 45 degrees. It was a great time and lil' D and the other kids had a great time. It was fun to hangout and just chill around the fire. I look forward to doing it again, perhaps as an entire family next time. Not much longer, however and we'll be back in the West and freezing our butts off camping!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Trying to get my mother and 2 of my siblings out here for my graduation and to help make the long drive home more enjoyable...and its being a pain..oh will work out how its supposed to be. to search for moving trucks now.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween - Trunk or Treat - 2007

Ramping up for Halloween...we got out early and did a Trunk or Treat at the was an awesome turnout and we had alot of fun.

New to Blogger...

Hello all...I figured I would give this a whirl since I've seen so many of my friends on this site...anyhow...I'll update pics an such over the next few days.