Saturday, November 10, 2007


Hola everyone,

Had a short but sweet camp-out last night, Dallas and I went out to Blue Springs State Park for the Elders Quorum camp-out. You think of church activities as usually having a great turnout...especially for this weekend, Veterans Day, its a 4 day weekend for most of us. Well...that didn't happen, there were 3 families. Myself, and 2 others...needless to say we had plenty of S'mores! It was a great time, and you can't beat the weather here in lower Alabama. Here it is 10th of November and last night I don't think it got any colder than about 45 degrees. It was a great time and lil' D and the other kids had a great time. It was fun to hangout and just chill around the fire. I look forward to doing it again, perhaps as an entire family next time. Not much longer, however and we'll be back in the West and freezing our butts off camping!


TALON said...

December 10th huh?? And you traveled back in time to make this post to your BLOG?? You're gonna have to tell me your secret!!

mother_to_4 said...

Kraus already said it. :)

Burgdogg said...