Sunday, February 24, 2008

Guitar Hero, Study...Guitar Hero...Study...SLEEP!

Ok the title of this blog sums up my life currently. While my wifey and kiddos are back getting ready to move to their new home...I am plunging myself into become a killer guitar hero, round slingin' Apachawk pilot. Currently I feel that I have a pretty good grip on the things necessary to do this...although Emergency Procedures and Limitations are always in need of refresher. I did however pass my first test on Friday, and have another on see if I get to fly on Tuesday...then...another bloody test on Wednesday! Man I hate the beginnings of flying, a new aircraft anyhow.

Well I guess I ought to quit typing to you ghosts who never comment or read my blog...and go do something useful like Guitar Hero...or Madden 08...perhaps some Sonic or Zelda to break the monotony of it all. Laters!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Friday and Saturday

Hello you all...if any of you are reading this...which I highly doubt you are...

Hello again from Arizona...where its hot all day and you freeze your rasterfarian nanas off at night!

When the temp goes from 80 to say...60 or low 50s that spread puts the shock into the body.

Anyhow...friday was uneventful...after class we caught the movie Jumpers. It was a good movie...but there will definatly be a sequel. Had a bite to eat at Chili's and then played Madden 08 the rest of the night...really boring typical weekend for me.

Well Saturday...we didn't do much either...just bummed around...bought 2 more Wii Remotes and its game time for 4. We also...went out to Hooters...where our waitress showed us toothpick tricks. It was entertaining. Then I being a nice guy took the other 4 dudes to the Fox and the Hound...a Steakhouse/Lounge/Bar place. Where we played pool and darts till like 1 am! Then to tap it all off we freakn talked until 4am...I think some of the guys are still in their rooms, sleeping off the alcohol and the long night. Me well you know me being the non drinking guy..well just slept a little late so that I could study the rest of the day. I had intended to attend church today...didn't happen as I've been in the books. I will go next week though.

Anyhow...back to the books. Its been a 15 min break while I've been typing this, and catching up on the news.
See ya!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 2 of Flight School Vol. 2

Well back to waking up at the butt crack of dawn. Thats all good...cuz I'm gonna be flying a bad freakn helicopter in another week...thats if I can memorize all these emergency procedures and limitations.

Its a 3 day weekend and its a vacant house around here...some going skiing others studying...others gone to see family. Me we'll it will be me the books and probably a bunch of Wii. Might go to Old Tombstone tomorrow, church on Sunday. was a good day...learned start up procedures for the Apache. Then had some boring academics...mainly cuz I've sat through almost the exact thing once upon a time at mother rucker!

Anyhow...I'm gonna go play some Madden at you all laters!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Okay well the drive was uneventful, but the views were amazing, the mountains through southern Utah and northern Arizona were awesome. It was a fun trip and went really quick.

I would post photos but...the network admins here don't allow us to hook up anything to the computers that they issue us. However....if I get a laptop of my own...well I will go ahead and do that. But it will have to happen from a coffee shop internet cafe place...cuz we can't hook our own laptops to the network here...freakn ridiculous. Lazy network admins...or rookies one or the other. BLAH!

K Now I need to go over some at you all again soon.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dec 13th through Current!

Holy Crap its been for ages!

Me and the family are back in the West! It has been a definite conditions...the list goes on and on.

None the less....I came here and hit the streets till I found a job...working for the National Guard as an Officer Recruiter. It is a great experience and I'm enjoying it so far.

The family has settled into where we are living (an upstairs loft, currently) and Dallas is attending the local school, and really likes it. Arianna is just growing and being as cute as ever. And Chandra is doing the mom thing, chasing stuff down for the house we are trying to close on...and myself...well I'm leaving tomorrow for more schooling.

Anyhow, that catches you up to bad I haven't been posting more frequently and you might have heard some funny stories or something. I will attempt to do better, while I'm at school. Talk at you all soon.

Love the Burgans