Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 2 of Flight School Vol. 2

Well back to waking up at the butt crack of dawn. Thats all good...cuz I'm gonna be flying a bad freakn helicopter in another week...thats if I can memorize all these emergency procedures and limitations.

Its a 3 day weekend and its a vacant house around here...some going skiing others studying...others gone to see family. Me we'll it will be me the books and probably a bunch of Wii. Might go to Old Tombstone tomorrow, church on Sunday. was a good day...learned start up procedures for the Apache. Then had some boring academics...mainly cuz I've sat through almost the exact thing once upon a time at mother rucker!

Anyhow...I'm gonna go play some Madden at you all laters!

1 comment:

Jami said...

enjoy and when you get back joel will be home and we can all hang out.