Sunday, February 24, 2008

Guitar Hero, Study...Guitar Hero...Study...SLEEP!

Ok the title of this blog sums up my life currently. While my wifey and kiddos are back getting ready to move to their new home...I am plunging myself into become a killer guitar hero, round slingin' Apachawk pilot. Currently I feel that I have a pretty good grip on the things necessary to do this...although Emergency Procedures and Limitations are always in need of refresher. I did however pass my first test on Friday, and have another on see if I get to fly on Tuesday...then...another bloody test on Wednesday! Man I hate the beginnings of flying, a new aircraft anyhow.

Well I guess I ought to quit typing to you ghosts who never comment or read my blog...and go do something useful like Guitar Hero...or Madden 08...perhaps some Sonic or Zelda to break the monotony of it all. Laters!


Jami said...

i have heard great things about guitar hero! i am so glad your wifey gets help moving. that is the hardest thing to do ever! i know i did it when we moved to the house we are in now with 3 kids and no help.

Amber said...

So are you on expert level yet on Guitar Hero??? Chandra finally got the keys..wahoo..i am sure you know this already. Now just to get the movers over there. How is the good old flying going?

TALON said...

I'll have you know "Apachawk" is a registered trademark by Eric Kraus Enterprises and can only be used with expressed written permission by the registered owner(uh-huh, ME!) But be relieved, I give you permission here in writing....but only this once!! ;-)